vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

Maia Morgenstern endorse Doncafe

Coffee has a complex history.Doncafe history begins in Italy and is closely related to traditions,culture and soul.The actress Maia Morgenstern was chosen to endorse Doncafe because herself represents the culture,the soul,because many roles she had over the years in movies and of course because she is very popular and has the power to persuade the viewers.

3 comentarii:

  1. What a coincidence...about Maia Morgensten and Doncafe I've written and I..:) is very good Doncafe

  2. Yes, what a coincidence! You written exactly the same brand like Larisa. But, it's ok. I say Jacobs and Tchibo it's the best coffee brand. But, depends on your taste.
